Opensearch Kubernetes Operator

Hi Opensearch Community :slight_smile: I’d like to let you know about a project we’ve been working on in the SUSE-Rancher Opni team. We’re putting together an AIOps observability platform for Kubernetes -, and the log aggregation is done on Opensearch.

We’ve decided to separate out the code that manages OpenSearch, and OpenSearch Dashboards and release it as a separate operator. You can find the project at GitHub - rancher-sandbox/opni-opensearch-operator. Currently it supports rolling upgrades, and manages the Opensearch certs. It’s an early release so we wouldn’t recommend it for production use, but please check it out and let us know what you think. We’d welcome any feedback or contributions. We’re also in the rancher-opni channel on the Rancher Users slack.


cool! have you seen that @ziv-opster has announced that opster has also an operator in the works?

it seems that it can now be found here (as pointed out here):

it’s christmas, we went from no operators to two in a very short time :slight_smile:

maybe it’d make sense if you’d join efforts so that there’s one single, canonical operator, focusing the development effort on it and reduce the overall effort?

Hi @dbason-suse , that’s great. As @ralph mentioned, we are working on an awesome K8S OpenSearch operator, with many amazing features and abilities, please see the roadmap in the readme.

I would love to have a quick chat/call and see how we can join forces - we are already working with a few great partners on the projects, such as SberBank and MaibornWolff, and more will be announced soon. We are available here:, feel free to drop a note.

Happy Holidays!

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I hadn’t seen that :slight_smile: When we started Opni we looked around but there wasn’t one which is why we went our own way.

Super keen to collaborate - I’ll reach out to you @Ziv-Opster

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This all great news. @dbason-suse and @Ziv-Opster - love to help facilitate anything I can get you connected with the engineering folks on my side.

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Sounds good @searchymcsearchface . We’ll contact you, talk soon.

Good one. As @ralph mentioned it will be super awesome if we can build one great operator.