Missing security_tenant parameter in dashboard url when sharing or embedding in latest version

When I shared an embedded URL of a dashboard in version 7.2, it included the parameter
kibana?security_tenant=tenantName#. The users were able to be logged as one tenant and see the dashboards created by another.
The parameter is missing in the latest version, 7.9, and the users need to be logged as that particular tenant to be able to see the dashboard.
Is there a way for the tenant to be added to the URL?


<iframe src="https://localhost/app/kibana?security_tenant=tenantName#/dashboard/759ec760-c535-11ea-982b-250ae9418de2?embed=true&_g=(refreshInterval%3A(pause%3A!t%2Cvalue%3A0)%2Ctime%3A(from%3Anow-15y%2Cto%3Anow))" height="600" width="800"></iframe>

<iframe src="http://localhost/app/dashboards#/view/759ec760-c535-11ea-982b-250ae9418de2?embed=true&_g=(filters%3A!()%2CrefreshInterval%3A(pause%3A!t%2Cvalue%3A0)%2Ctime%3A(from%3Anow-15m%2Cto%3Anow))" height="600" width="800"></iframe>

Do we have any follow up on this, reporting with multi-tanancy is facing a similar issue?

One approach is to create a new tenant and set it as a default in kibana.yml, deleting Global and Private. It seems that it requires lowercase in the .yml file, so the tenant is created only with them. When any user logs in they will be in that new tenant. The dashboards can be created and shared in that tenant without the users having to change tenants.