Kibana TLS/SSL not working

Hi, I am using ODFE 1.9.0 with ODFE-kibana and all the plugins. I recently updated my ES cluster to use TLS/SSL certificates. I want to use https instead of https when going to kibana dashboard.

As an added info. I am using the wazuh kibana plugin also. I am using ubuntu 18.04 VMs.
In my test cluster, one is ingest-master and one is data. The third server has Kibana and filebeat which send logs to ES and get logs to display through kibana.

I tried following this guide: SSL / HTTPS for Kibana
But it didnt help me as I face an error everytime I try to access it.


Can somebody offer guidance here ?

@aakash2208 Only below 3 options need to be configured for https to work:

server.ssl.enabled: true

If this is not working, can you post any error messaged from kibana logs?