Having trouble installing alerting standalone plugin for kibana via k8s deployment

"My command for installing the plugin
- bash
- -c
- |
bin/kibana-plugin install ‘link to the zip /opendistroAlertingKibana-’ "

"this is thethe error am having
Exec lifecycle hook ([bash -c bin/kibana-plugin install ‘https://d3g5vo6xdbdb9a.cloudfront.
net/downloads/kibana-plugins/opendistro-alerting/opendistroAlertingKibana-’ ]) for Container “kibana” in Pod “kibana-5674cdf47f-g9sbv_tools(7d1691f5-d228-4d2e-9e6a-34566739a76c)” failed - error: command 'bash -c bin/kibana-plugin install ‘https://d3g5vo6xdbdb9a.cloudfront. net/downloads/kibana-plugins/opendistro-alerting/opendistroAlertingKibana-’ ’ exited with 70: Error: Client request error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND d3g5vo6xdbdb9a. cloudfront .net d3g5vo6xdbdb9a.cloudfront. net:443 Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Client request error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND

Hi @eliasx19 Could you try downloading the opendistroAlertingKibana- and then try `bash -c bin/kibana-plugin install ‘//opendistroAlertingKibana-’