Exporting dashboards and visualizations as pdf / png

Hey core team, is there anyone working on exporting visualizations and dashboards as PDF? This feature seems to be conspicuously missing, and is one of the fancy “Elastic only” features.

I’ve actually recently been working on a puppeteer daemon that does this at Kibana’s behest, but would be more than happy to move my efforts to a larger project.

Is it on the roadmap?

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Hi - we do have an issue for this feature request here:PDF Generation and reporting · Issue #16 · opendistro-for-elasticsearch/sample-code · GitHub

We have not kicked anything off yet - so if you want to share your thoughts or early designs we would be happy to work with you on them!


@cannibal_kush We are coming up with a new Kibana Reports feature. Please check out the UX Documentation and the Kibana Reports repository for more details. Let us know what you think.