Compatibility between Elasticsearch / Kibana 7.9.3 and OpenDistro Standalone Plugins of Kibana and Elasticsearch

Dear Community,

Sorry if this is not the good place for this topic, maybe you could help me to understand something not clear to me.

I have and ELK Cluster (Elasticsearch / Kibana from at version 7.9.3) and i want to install the Standalone plugins of OD in order to benefit from the Security features

I have checked the documentation

Standalone Elasticsearch Plugin Install - Open Distro Documentation

And it seems that my Elasticsearch and Kibana version are not compatible with OD Elasticsearch and Kibana standalone plugins

Am i wrong ?

Do I need to upgrade to Elasticsearch / Kibana to the version of 7.10 in order to be able to have compatibility with OD Standalone plugins ?

Thanks for you’re help !

Best Regards, Edouard Fazenda.

You might want to checkout the part of the documentation that deals with standalone plugins. It’s a bit complicated but that should point you in the right direction of installing the 7.9.x plugins on non-bundled versions of Elasticsearch / Kibana.

Be aware that we don’t test on the non-OSS version of ES and Kibana if you’re using those, it could have rough edges.