Can't create monitor for OFDE 1.11.0


After updating ODFE, I can no longer create monitors in the Alerting and Anomaly Dectetion section when everything was working correctly. I have this error message:

Failed to create the monitor

[alerting_exception] Connexion refused

I tried to solve the problem but I succeed. Here are the logs of the error messages:

},"res":{"statusCode":200,"responseTime":32,"contentLength":9},"message":"POST /api/alerting/monitors/_search 200 32ms - 9.0B"}
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]: Alerting - MonitorService - createMonitor: { Error: [alerting_exception] Connexion refusée
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:     at respond (/usr/share/kibana/node_modules/elasticsearch/src/lib/transport.js:349:15)
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:     at checkRespForFailure (/usr/share/kibana/node_modules/elasticsearch/src/lib/transport.js:306:7)
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:     at HttpConnector.<anonymous> (/usr/share/kibana/node_modules/elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/http.js:173:7)
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:     at IncomingMessage.wrapper (/usr/share/kibana/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:4949:19)
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:     at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:203:15)
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:     at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1145:12)
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:   status: 500,
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:   displayName: 'InternalServerError',
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:   message: '[alerting_exception] Connexion refusée',
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:   path: '/_opendistro/_alerting/monitors?refresh=wait_for',
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:   query: {},
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:   body:
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:    { error:
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:       { root_cause: [Array],
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:         type: 'alerting_exception',
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:         reason: 'Connexion refusée',
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:         caused_by: [Object] },
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:      status: 500 },
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:   statusCode: 500,
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:   response:
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:    '{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"alerting_exception","reason":"Connexion refusée"}],"type":"alerting_exception","reason":"Connexion refusée","caused_by":{"type":"exception","reason":" Connexion refusée"}},"status":500}',
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:   toString: [Function],
Nov 12 13:29:19 P136887-IPL-CBV-ODFE01 kibana[45239]:   toJSON: [Function] }

Waiting for help


@KadsGoku00 I would put an issue over at the alerting repo.

Ok thanks because currently I have not yet found solutions

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Discussed and closed at : [BUG] Not able to create monitor and destination after 1.11.0 upgrade · Issue #303 · opendistro-for-elasticsearch/alerting · GitHub

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