Alerting based on a percentage increase

After reading the alerting docs, I have an understanding on how to monitor for a particular event in a doc, and then to fire an alert depending on how many docs match that event

An example of this is below, where it matches env_name and level in any indices with my_index in it. If it finds more than 50 occurrences in 10 mins it will fire an alert.

  "type": "monitor",
  "name": "api ERRORs",
  "enabled": false,
  "schedule": {
    "period": {
      "interval": 10,
      "unit": "MINUTES"
  "inputs": [{
    "search": {
      "indices": ["*my_index*"],
      "query": {
        "size": 0,
          "bool": {
            "must": [
              { "match": { "env_name": "dev"}},
              { "match": { "level": "ERROR" }}
            "filter": [
              { "range":{"@timestamp":{"gte":"{{period_end}}||-10m","lte":"{{period_end}}","format":"epoch_millis","boost":1.0 }}}
  "triggers": [{
      "name": "api ERRORs > 50",
      "severity": "5",
      "condition": {
        "script": {
          "source": "ctx.results[0] > 50",
          "lang": "painless"
      "actions": [{
        "name": "Send Slack to channel alerts-dev",
        "destination_id": "<destination removed >",
        "message_template": {
          "source": "Monitor {{}} just entered alert status. Please investigate the issue.\n - Trigger: {{}}\n - Severity: {{ctx.trigger.severity}}\n - Period start: {{ctx.periodStart}}\n - Period end: {{ctx.periodEnd}}"
        "throttle_enabled": true,
        "throttle": {
          "value": 120,
          "unit": "MINUTES"
        "subject_template": {
          "source": " api ERRORS > 50 in the last 10 minutes"

What I am trying to work out is it possible to alert when there is an increase in the number of docs with level=ERROR based on a percentage. I.e. in the last 5 minutes, there has been a 20% increase in the number of docs that match the query.